Cambridge United Manager Shaun Derry states his side can feel extremely proud of the progress made during the 2015/16 season, after the U’s play-offs ambitions were ended in Sky Bet League Two.

The U’s were minutes away from clinching a superb 2-1 win over promotion chasing Plymouth Argyle, only for Graham Carey to snatch a point for the visitors in the dying embers of the contest.

However, Derry is positive with the strides made by his side and feels the U’s can move forward with great optimism.

He said: “What a game! There have been some fantastic occasions at the Abbey Stadium in the past few years, but today’s game was right up there. It was just crushing to see it snatched from us with two minutes to go.

“But we can be immensely proud of what we have achieved this season and to see us give the best teams in this division a run for their money as consistently as we have done is fantastic.

“Today’s game was great way to show just how far we have come in such a short space of time.

“The disappointment of just missing out will become a driving force over the summer and what re-groups us of what will be a big season next year.

“We have strung together a real run of results [seven games unbeaten] that have culminated with us getting within touching distance.

“Next Saturday becomes important to us because we want to finish eighth. We’ll go to Mansfield and put on a show.”

The afternoon ended with both players and supporters showing their appreciation for their respective efforts over the course of the campaign, and Derry finished by commending the Amber Army. 

“The fans have been absolutely incredible and I have got to thank every single one of them, whether they have been to one game or have been here all season.

“There is a real vibe travelling around Cambridge United which you can feel and comes from the supporters.

“They have travelled away in their numbers and backed us magnificently at home, none more so than today. So thank you!”