Mental Health

Cambridge United Football Club seeks to provide a positive and satisfying working environment in which members are treated with respect and with regard for their health, safety and well-being...
The Club is committed to fostering a culture of co-operation, trust and mutual respect allowing employees to work at their optimum level, thus creating a workplace environment that promotes the mental wellbeing of all.
Find out more about our Mental Health policies and practices below:
Find out more about our Mental Health policies and practices below:
This strategy sets out how the Club will achieve its goals and objectives in relation to mental health and wellbeing, in conjunction with the Policy and Action Plan, which will guide the organisation to achieve those aims.
Our mental health and wellbeing policy will set out how the strategy will be implemented and who will take responsibility to achieve the goals. However, other policies within the organisation will also be influenced by the mental health strategy to ensure it is embedded across the whole of the Club.
There are seven main areas:
- The vision:
Cambridge United Football Club seeks to provide a positive and satisfying working environment in which members are treated with respect and with regard for their health, safety and well-being.
The Club is committed to fostering a culture of co-operation, trust and mutual respect allowing employees to work at their optimum level, thus creating a workplace environment that promotes the mental wellbeing of all.
These will be set out and explained and will then be incorporated into our policies, training, and job descriptions.
To determine our vision, we need to focus on increased mental health and wellbeing awareness within the Club. To achieve this as a Club the introduction of electronic wellbeing system to all staff, will enable increased awareness of mental health and wellbeing, both personally and across the staff team. To enhance the introduction of electronic wellbeing system, specifically for line mangers, the Management Mental health-training course would be very beneficial.
- The principles:
The strategy is guided by the action plan, which contains the key priorities and areas that will enable the organisation to achieve its vision.
- Ownership:
The ownership of this strategy is outlined within the Mental Health & Wellbeing policy detailed in the responsibilities. Overall responsibility lies with the Directors and CEO.
- Timescales:
The strategy will be delivered over a 3 year period, set out in the action plan.
It is recognised that in order to embed mental health across the whole organisation, it will take time and our strategy timescales may need to be reviewed in order to fulfil the full objectives.
- Actions:
The vision will be achieved by carrying out the following actions;
- Provide appropriate training to ensure everyone is equipped to achieve the aims of this strategy.
- Introduction of electronic wellbeing system.
- Ensure mental health is considered as part of all policy reviews.
- Embed mental health in all business and operational plans to achieve this strategy’s aim.
- The detail of these actions will be in the policy and action plan.
- Budget:
Costs will be investigated and an appropriate level of budget set for Mental Health & Wellbeing.
- Achievement:
To identify how we are achieving your vision and fulfilling the actions you have identified. We will study replies/outcomes from electronic wellbeing system. Provide training and awareness for staff. Have a greater awareness around the Club of Mental Health & Wellbeing, based on UK Sport’s Mental Health Strategy for the High Performance System focused on 4 pillars:
- Education
- Provision
- Communication
- Assurance
Shout 85258 – Official Mental Health Partner of Cambridge United – Mental Health text support open 24/7, 365 days a year
- Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258
Samaritans - Registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide. Open 24/7, 365 days a year
- Call 116 123
Mind CPSL - Community based wellbeing support, talking therapies and information
- Call 0300 303 4363 | Email
Centre 33 - Free, confidential support for young people up to the age of 25
- Call 0333 4141809 | WhatsApp 07514 783745 | Email
The Kite Trust - Supporting the wellbeing and creativity of LGBTQ+ young people in Cambridgeshire through information, support and groups
- Call 01223 369508 | Email
Childline - Counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the United Kingdom provided by the NSPCC
- Call 0800 1111 | Chat online
NHS 111 - NHS first response service
- Call 111 option 2
How are you Cambridge - Informative website that brings together everything in the local community that is good for wellbeing
Fullscope - A group of charities with a mission to improve wellbeing of children and young people in Cambridgeshire
Blue Smile - Provides counselling and therapy for pupils in schools between the ages of 3 and 13
- | 01223 314725
JAAQ - An online Social Media platform that has been developed to engage with people regarding Mental Health and a range of other topics
Rehab Recovery - Drug and alcohol rehabilitation and recovery via residential treatment and outpatient sessions
- Call 0800 088 66 86 - Rehab Recovery is a website for those seeking drug or alcohol addiction treatment