Robbie Simpson and Michael Nelson visit local primary school

TUESDAY afternoon saw Cambridge United's community coaches attended Abbey Meadows Primary School as part of the schools' healthy bodies, healthy minds topic.

The U's coaches held fun and developmental football sessions throughout the day, running alongside workshops discussing the importance of healthy lifestyles with the pupils.

During the afternoon, Cambridge United first team players, Michael Nelson and Robbie Simpson headed along to Abbey Meadows to join in with the football sessions before sharing their advice and experience during the healthy lifestyle workshops.

The Key Stage Two pupils posed a number of questions to Michael and Robbie, who were keen to share their experiences and advice with the children.

Cambridge United's community sport manager, Luke Harradine, said: "We are always looking to work closely with schools in Cambridgeshire and with Abbey Meadows on the doorstep of the Football Club, we're delighted to join in with a topic we are extremely passionate about.  The pupils love seeing the  footballers, so it's great for us to be able to take them along to events like this and let them pass on their advice and experience to the children."

For more information regarding the U's work in schools, please email luke.harradine@cambridge-united.co.uk