Crest Consultation update

Photo from inside a Shadow Board meeting

The Club is pleased to provide an update on the Crest consultation process…

Cambridge United would like to thank all supporters, stakeholders, staff and volunteers who have engaged and contributed to the six-week crest consultation and wider identity process. which took place between July and August. 

In total, 13 in-person consultation events took place which provided a wide demographic of relevant people and parties, with the opportunity to feedback on three prospective designs created by football brand designer, Chris Payne. Consultation events included:

  1. Foundation Kicks Sessions
  2. Club Board Meeting
  3. Business Club Event
  4. First Team Consultation Session
  5. Volunteers Training Evening
  6. Soccer Camps 
  7. Shadow Board Meeting 
  8. In Person Fan Consultation Event
  9. Staff Consultation Event
  10. Academy Consultation Event
  11. Supporter Open Day Event
  12. Foundation Seniors Lunch
  13. Pre-Season Home Game vs West Brom

The events, which proved exceptionally popular, generated over 100 hours of conversations and more than 4,500 comments and opinions which are now being analysed, alongside 2,500 survey responses completed by supporters at the start of August.

The final part of the process will now see the Working Group, Shadow Board and Club Board review feedback and any potential changes and modifications with designer Chris Payne over the coming weeks. The final decision will then be taken by the Club’s Owners and an announcement will follow.

CEO Alex Tunbridge said, "It has been great to see the level of engagement with this consultation across all parts of the fanbase and our thanks to everyone who has participated. We will now analyse and consider in detail all the feedback before the final direction and new club identity are announced in October."