Ian Mather joins Football Governance Bill debate at Parliament

Cambridge United Club Director, Ian Mather, was questioned by a committee of MPs in Parliament on Tuesday, to examine, in detail, the draft Football Governance Bill...

The committee were looking at the proposed powers to be granted to the Independent Football Regulator.

Ian Mather, who has long campaigned for an independent regulator in English Football, joined Bolton Wanderers Chair, Sharon Brittan, as witnesses to explain the problems they see with the current system of governance and financial distribution.

Speaking about his appearance at parliament, Ian Mather said, “The Football Regulation Bill is likely to come into law this year and it will be the single most important change in the way football is organised and funded in a generation.

“The overall aim is to make football more sustainable.

“My comments focussed on the need to make amendments to allow reforms to be as effective they can be. These include addressing questions over how the financial provisions in the Bill operate and calling for the removal of protection for parachute payments. These points were also hammered home by Rick Parry, the EFL Chairman. Hopefully the MPs were listening.”

To watch the debate, please click here.