Youngest Academy players welcomed to the Club

Cambridge United has officially welcomed its newest and youngest Academy intake, as this year's Under 9s signed their first contracts with the Club…

J Sibley, J McKie, F Margerrison, S Haydon, B Williamson, R Pearce, E Elkins, J Rydzek, D Shephard and C Shaw (pictured above) have all been awarded Academy contracts to officially begin their Cambridge United journey.

"Firstly, I would like to congratulate and welcome the players to Cambridge United Football Club,” Foundation Phase & Pre-Academy Lead James Nicholas said.

“This is an extremely exciting group of individuals with bundles of potential and we are delighted that they have chosen Cambridge United as the place to continue their football journey.

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“The group epitomise our Academy values of being hard-working, honest and humble. As a team of staff, we look forward to offering the players lots of experiences and helping them to realise their full potential.

“I would like to thank Liam Bloye, Jake Hammond, Steve Holmes and Tony McKie for all their help in recruiting this talented group.”

Their recent signing day saw the boys play a fixture on the Abbey Stadium pitch, receive a welcome talk from U18s manager Jimmy Unwin and have their photos taken whilst they signed their official contracts.