Academy boys take the next step

U’s Youth Team Centre Back duo, Mamadou Jobe and Harvey Beckett have been offered Professional contracts at the Football Club...

Jobe has been offered a two-year contract, whilst Beckett, a current first year scholar, has put pen to paper on a three-year professional contract.

Jobe, joined us in the summer of 2020 from Royston Town, whilst Beckett has been with the Academy since the age of 7.

The centre back duo featured in the majority of our U18’s fixtures this term, which saw them finish second in the South East Youth Alliance League. They have also played in a number of U21 fixtures throughout the 2020/21 season.

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Tom Pell, Academy Manager commented, "We are thrilled to be in a position as a Football Club to offer these two boys professional contracts. They have shown the qualities we hope to see in our young people, both in their on the field qualities as well as their mentality and desire to improve every day also.

"As the whole Football Club continues to strive for the next level, these two have to continue to work their socks off in order to get their opportunity at that level. We will do all we can to ensure their development plan is one that is challenging and gives them the best opportunity of fulfilling their potential, but knowing them as characters we have every confidence they will grab it with both hands."

In addition, as part of the club’s collaboration with St Neots Town FC, central midfielder Myles Cowling, centre forward Nehemiah Richard Noel and goalkeeper Louis Chadwick; have all been offered one-year contracts with The Saints. These offers will see them continue their development between St Neots and Cambridge United environments.

"As our relationship and collaboration with St Neots Town FC becomes more established, we are finding ways in which we can improve the program for our players who have surpassed Youth Team Football but are a little way off being members of the First Team squad," Pell added. "We are doing all we can to bridge that gap in order to offer the lads a development tool that is most conducive to their needs, as we all know the step up to First Team football is difficult.

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"These three boys have shown great promise throughout their Scholarship and with more time, could really show what they are made of and be a real asset to the football club. These boys will experience a mixture of Senior Football for St Neots Town FC, as well as additional U21 fixtures that we organise for the group. We are continuously grateful for the relationship we have with St Neots Town FC and their staff. They play a huge part in these boys’ development, and we are really happy that this part of the program is going from strength to strength."

As is always the case, not all of our Scholars are able to gain a contract moving forwards and we are now in the process of supporting Alex Mansaray, Diego Miller, Nathan Brown, Joe Rider and Geneiro Maragh; find their next steps away from the Abbey Stadium with their futures both on and off the field.

"Some of the boys whose journey with us comes to an end have spent more than half of their young lives in a U’s shirt, have represented the club in tournaments all around Europe and their parents have driven thousands of miles to watch them play against some of the best young talent across the country over the years.

"We are extremely grateful to every single one of them for the way they have conducted themselves during their time at the Club and how well they have represented our Academy over the years.

"Although their journey has come to an end at CUFC, we will continue to offer them support over the coming years with interview preparation, player CV’s, match clips and player highlights video’s, coaching qualifications and experience, as well as wellbeing and education support whist transitioning out of the Academy. This is of course in addition to helping them find another football club to continue their on the field development."

The Club would like to offer its sincere congratulations to Mamadou, Harvey, Myles, Nehemiah and Louis on their respective contract news, and wish the best of luck to Alex, Diego, Nathan, Joe and Geneiro on their future endeavours.