CFU Statement: Away Travel

With the recent news to fans of the changes of Away Travel for the new season, Cambridge Fans United (CFU) would like to release the following statement to the Cambridge United fan base...

As a Supporters’ Trust, CFU aims to be the voice of the fans and when concerns or issues are raised, we look to address them in an honest and straight-forward manner.

Following feedback from supporters over the changes to Away Travel - much of which expressed concerns on how the changes will effect Under 18s - CFU acknowledges that a review of the proposed policy is required.

CFU recognises the importance of the next generation of Cambridge United supporters and the need to make attending games as accessible as possible, which means finding a way to allow 16 and 17 year olds to travel on the Away Coach without the need of Adult accompaniment.

CFU are working with Greys of Ely, Cambridge United and other EFL Clubs to find solutions that allow Away Travel to be run in a way that ensures that as many members of the Amber Army, of all ages, can attend fixtures and get behind the U’s in League One this season.

We will communicate a further statement to fans ahead of the new season with finalisation on how Away Travel will run and how to book for games

CFU are actively looking for sponsors for away travel for the season, so we can offer potential subsidised trips for longer away games as a thank you for your continued support.

If you have any questions, please email us via

United In Endeavour and thank you for your support.