Cambridge Fans United AGM to be held on Monday 26th July

Cambridge Fans United (CFU) - the Club's Supporters' Trust - are happy to announce that the long-awaited AGM will take place on Monday 26th July 2021 at 7:30pm, subject to government restrictions...

Head Coach Mark Bonner, CEO Ian Mather and Sporting Director Ben Strang will be in attendance for a special Q&A, with thanks to the Supporters' Club for providing the venue.

Fans are encouraged to submit their questions to the three guests in advance by emailing or by sending in questions to CFU via their Social Media channels.

All Cambridge United fans are welcome at the AGM. However, only eligible CFU members will be able to vote on the following:

  • Fans Elected Director
  • New nominated Trust Board Members
  • Trust Board Members standing down by rotation
  • Financial audit system

There is no charge to attend and there will be an opportunity for non-CFU members to join the trust on the night, although they will not be entitled to vote at this AGM. The Supporters’ Club are kindly waiving their entry fee for non-club members.

A raffle will be held in memory of the much-beloved Carol Looker, who we sadly lost last year.

CFU has evolved, and far from being just an AGM, this event will be a brilliant chance for both CFU members and non-members to find out about the projects the trust has been working on over the last year, and the future plans.

Ideas and contributions are welcome, both on the night and going forward. CFU are 100% United for all U’s fans.

The event will be filmed by Enjoy the View, who many supporters will know from their fantastic media coverage of the Club from the past few seasons.