Cambridgeshire FA back #Mission676

CAMBRIDGEHIRE FA have joined Cambridge United Community Trust's #Mission676 by becoming a Silver Sponsor of Jez George’s incredible challenge.

#Mission676 is aiming to raise funds to help Cambridge United Community Trust deliver charitable projects to 10,000 people across Cambridgeshire, every year from 2014/15 onwards.

The regions Football Governing Body and Cambridge United Community Trust will be working in partnership to deliver projects in Cambridgeshire over the 2014/15 season.  These projects are set to include disability sessions, working in schools and junior football clubs and events and festivals across Cambridgeshire.  The U’s Community Trust and CFA will also be working together to create and promote the highest standards of behaviour and conduct, on and off the field in grassroots football.

Cambridge United Community Trust’s Chairman, Graham Daniels, said:  “I have the highest possible regard for the Cambridgeshire Football Association and I am delighted that we are going to be partnering together to make a difference through sport in our county.”

Cambridgeshire Football Association’s Chief Executive, Chris Pringle, commented on the new partnership:  “I am delighted that through Jez’s fantastic effort we are able to formalise our partnership with CUFC and the Trust. We have already had success in working together and the partnership will provide a platform to do even more good work for the benefit of the football community.”

Keep up to date with #Mission676 on Twitter -@Mission676 and Facebook -Mission676.