Supporter Crest Consultation Event planned

Kids look at the potential Crest designs

Following yesterday's Crest designs reveal, we are pleased to confirm plans for a Supporter Consultation event on Thursday 25 July...

Supporters are invited to attend a session with Club Management and Designer Chris Payne, to view a presentation which delves deeper into the Crest design process, and to discuss and debate the three directions.

The event will be held in the A2B Taxicabs Signature Suite between 6:30pm-7:30pm and limited tickets are available.

Entry is free of charge, but tickets must be booked online at

The first of this month's Consultation Events took place on Wednesday afternoon, as we visited one of our Foundation Kicks Sessions to speak with kids about the three designs, and to find out where their preferences lied.

To find out more about the Crests, please click the relevant links below.