This Sunday's Cambridge United Women’s game against AFC Sudbury at St Neots Town is an enhanced Matchday as the Club aims to generate a boosted crowd for Darren Marjoram's U's...
Local schools, residents and grassroots teams from the St Neots area have been invited to the match, and an increased Matchday experience will be on offer to fans.
Hot food - such as burgers, hot dogs, chicken strips and chips - will be on sale, a Junior U’s Kids’ Zone will be in operation - which will have fun games and activities for young fans to enjoy - and Marvin the Moose will be at the game too!
Kick-off at the Premier Plus Stadium is at 2pm, with turnstiles opening at 1pm.
Come and show your support for Cambridge United Women - tickets cost just £5 for Adults, whilst U18s and all Men’s Season Ticket Holders can attend for free of charge.
Buy tickets online or from the ground on the day of the game.