Following on from last Saturday’s Her Game Too Matchday, Cambridge United is pleased to announce that Marvin the Moose will have a female companion from next season…
We need the help of our young supporters though!
Junior U’s are invited to help us design, and name, our new Mascot by getting creative and sending in their ideas to the Club.
We’d like our young fans to draw their designs using the attached template, and to leave a suggested name for her too.
She doesn’t have to be a Moose - we are open to Marvin’s new mate being any animal you can think of. A connection to Cambridge or the Club is ideal, but the most important thing is that they’d be a fun-loving, fantastic representative of the U’s.
To submit your entry, please email it to Alternatively, hand it into the Club Shop (non Matchdays) or Ticket Office (Matchdays), or drop it into Marvin’s Mailbox in the Mead Family Stand.