Longelo and Nlundulu open Duxford Primary Trim Trail

Emmanuel Longelo and Dan Nlundulu visit Duxford Primary School

Cambridge United first-team players Manny Longelo and Dan Nlundulu were delighted to open Duxford Primary School’s new trim trail last week... 

Duxford is a longstanding partner of Cambridge United Foundation, who deliver PE lessons, afterschool clubs and 1:1 mentoring amongst other programmes on a weekly basis in the school.

The players took part in a whole-school assembly, answering questions about their training regimes and lives as footballers before moving outside to cut the tape in front of the whole school. Dan and Manny were then privileged to watch a demonstration of the new equipment in action by pupils at the school.

Tim Walker, Head of Programmes for Cambridge United Foundation said, "It was a pleasure to welcome Dan and Manny to Duxford Primary, a valued member of our partner school network. The whole school community was delighted that the players were able to come and open the trim trail and were incredibly excited to meet them.

"Dan and Manny answered questions brilliantly in the assembly and spent time meeting some of the older pupils in class after opening the trim trail. Player visits always add huge extra impact to our programmes and we look forward to welcoming more of the team to Foundation sessions across the rest of the season.”

Laura Johnston, Deputy Headteacher at Duxford added, “We were thrilled that Manny and Dan were willing to give their time to open the trim trail. The children (and staff) were delighted to meet them both and we thoroughly enjoyed finding out about their careers so far. Cambridge United have definitely gained lots more fans today!"