Inaugural Academy Alumni Fixture held

Last Saturday saw our inaugural Academy Alumni Fixture played at the Club's Training Ground where we welcomed back past Academy boys to join together for a 'friendly' game of football...

The event was a resounding success with some of the players travelling to the venue for the first time since they left the Club, and seeing some old faces they hadn’t seen in just as long.

The day was all about the boys and officially launching our Alumni Programme, which aims to reach far and wide to welcome as many scholars from any cohort back to the Club to reconnect, reminisce, joke and spend time together; just as they did some years ago.


Sam Squire, Alumni member and now CEO of Inspire2 Ignite said, "This was a day I have been looking forward to for a long time. To see faces I haven’t seen in years and reconnect with each other through football but also whilst recapping on all the memories and moments we shared on and off the pitch.

"I think it's great to see where everyone is in their life now and actually look at how they can be supported still from both the Club and the PFA. I am also really looking forward to the other opportunities in store for all of us to get together, but also potentially play against other alumni teams, access job opportunities and get the right holistic support as well. I could not recommend this event any more for any alumni of the Club."


The game itself was a thriller with none of the boys having lost their competitiveness, desire to win and want to get one over on their mates. After a rusty start from some, the muscle memory of football began to come back to some of those who no longer play, cajoled along by those who still play and retain much of their skill and ability. There was even some Alumni who took on the brave rule of coaching/in-jest encouragement from the sidelines to make it a thoroughly enjoyable game.

From moments of brilliance and exquisite goals to some questionable decision making and execution, the lads came off the pitch both exhausted and laughing at the football ability they still retain.


Following the game, the lads joined together in the canteen for some food and an opportunity to continue to catch up with those that they hadn’t seen in several years. The room was incredibly lively which was great to see, filled with stories from their time at the Club and discussions of where the boys are now.

Elliott Cox, PFA Personal Development Manager, was also in attendance to offer support and guidance for the boys both on the day and going forward.

"It was great to be invited to Cambridge United's Alumni event. I could see how much it meant to the players to reconnect with friends they formerly played with, he said. "I feel spaces like these are so important, as it really helps to build a sense of community. Callum has done a great job in organising the event and I am sure players would be keen to see something like this again in the near future."

Joe Rider, Alumni member who now works on Cambridge United’s CRC scholarship programme added, "It was a fantastic day catching up with old Cambridge United Academy Boys, being able to speak to boys about perhaps “not making it” and learning about their football and non-footballing experiences after being released."


Event organiser, Alumni Programme Lead and Player Carer Manager, Callum Langley, said “The day was a truly enriching and eye-opening day for myself and a real honour to be a part of. To see lads who haven’t and probably wouldn’t have spoken or seen each other for years have a laugh and a joke from the minute they walked in the building was incredibly powerful.

"This event will be the start of many for our Alumni and I would encourage anyone to get involved if they can. I already can’t wait for the next event!"

A big thanks to Sam Squire, Sam Bennett, Josh Emmins, Joe Rider, Jonah Gill, Stevan Shaw, Charlie Johnson, Myles Cowling, Harvey Steel, Lee Watkins, Inglian Hassani, Fernando Bell-Toxtle, Leon Davies and Kai Yearn for attending the event.

Former U’s and past Academy players can get in touch with Callum via to come and be part of a wonderful, growing community.