U's achieve Equality Code of Practice Bronze Award

Cambridge United have achieved Bronze in the EFL Equality Code of Practice...

The EFL Code of Practice requires Clubs to focus on priority groups in which under-representation exists, which are characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010, which ensures that individuals are not discriminated against on the grounds of: Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation.

The Code also gives special emphasis toward Mental Health and Wellbeing and provides the opportunity for Clubs to focus on areas of under-representation which are key to their local demographic e.g., Social Economic, employment, education.

The U's are just one of 29 Clubs achieving the standard, with 19 awarded Bronze and 10 Silver.

Janet Mills, Cambridge United Head of HR and People said, "We are delighted to achieve this award. There has been a lot of hard work to get to this point and I would like to thank everyone at the Club who has played their part.

"Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is extremely important to us and we will strive to continue improving and holding each other accountable."

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Olly Potter, EFL Club Inclusion Officer said, "I would like to congratulate the Club on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion work you are conducting at Cambridge United. It's clear that it's implemented to a high level throughout the club and contributed to achieving the Bronze Code of Practice standard.

"Cambridge United have submitted a large amount of evidence that helps to create a clear picture and narrative of the club's EDI journey. The culture of EDI is driven from the top of the organisaiton and it's clear that the club is intent on being a leading example in the local community."

Initially launched in 2012, the EFL’s Equality Code of Practice was revamped to become a multi-level accreditation scheme at the start of the 2022/23 season, which will see every one of the 72 Clubs assessed on their EDI practices by the conclusion of the 2023/24 season.