Crest Survey findings and next steps

Following the conclusion of the Crest Design Feedback Survey, the Club is pleased to share with supporters its findings and next steps of the process.

A total of 3,164 supporters shared their views on the proposed design which the Club have now reviewed in detail, leading to a decision to further develop the design which will take place over the course of the coming year.

The Club will maintain its existing crest for the 2024/25 season, with a new design to be launched ahead of the 2025/26 season.

Over the course of the next year, the Club will continue to refine the proposed design in-order to take into account received feedback, as well as allow supporters further engagement opportunities with the process.  

  • Survey findings:

51% of respondents disliked the proposed crest design in its current form, compared with 49% who liked it or were neutral

The Book (37%), Ball (45%) and Bridge (34%) all received positive feedback as elements of the Crest which supporters ‘like’

73% thought that a shield and/or roundel helped improve the design, with 50% preferring the roundel version

At the conclusion of the survey, 66% of respondents are either happy with the proposed design without the need for any amendments, or believe there is scope for it to be developed and improved.

The breakdown of responses shows:

  • 14% - I like the proposed Crest design and don't think it needs any further amendments
  • 28% - I like the proposed Crest design but think it can be improved with further amendments
  • 24% - I dislike the proposed Crest design but think that there is potential for it to be developed
  • 34% - I dislike the proposed Crest design and don't think it should be considered

Paul Barry, Majority Owner, said, “As we enter the next phase in our development as a Football Club, with the future redevelopment of the Abbey Stadium now in sight, we firmly believe that modernising our brand is critical to our progression.

“We will always respect our past but we need to be as ambitious as possible for the future and our identity and the marks that represent us are central to that.

“We remain committed to changing the Crest as part of that process but will be taking our time to get it right given how important it is for our future as a Club. There has obviously been a lively debate but overall, feedback on the new design has been constructive and extremely helpful.

“We are very grateful for all fans’ feedback and we will be saying more in the coming weeks about how we plan to involve them further in the process. 

“We are also very grateful to North for their pro-bono work on the project and pleased that we have landed on a territory that can help further anchor the football club in the great city of Cambridge, and also celebrate the fact that we are the only professional football club from the birthplace of the rules of the game.

“We know that there are also other identifiers that are important parts of our heritage and history and, whilst no club badge can reflect everything, we want to consider how they can be represented in this wider brand work going forward.”

More details on the next stages of the process will be communicated in due course.