U's Stand Together Against Racism

Cambridge United is supporting the EFL’s ‘Together Against Racism’ campaign in their fixture against Shrewsbury Town next Saturday...

With support from anti-discrimination charity, Kick It Out, the campaign sees a focused drive from the EFL and its Clubs to stamp out racism and any form of discrimination in football.

“Everyone at Cambridge United is proud to be supporting Together Against Racism,” CEO Alex Tunbridge said.

“Football is a game for everyone and we are both proud of the welcoming atmosphere that our supporters create at the Abbey Stadium and vehemently opposed to anyone that doesn't subscribe to our values of inclusivity and anti-discrimination.

“Whilst football is working hard to remove racism and all forms of discrimination from our game, we are a long way from being where we want to be.

“Every season, there are reports of discrimination across the game, and likely more that go unrecorded, so we are calling on our supporters to make a difference and report any incidents of racism or discrimination you see or hear in the ground today and at all matches in the future.”

David McArdle, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for the EFL, added “While football has come a long way in recent years there is still much to be done and throughout October and beyond, we are calling on supporters up and down the country to be vigilant when they are attending matches and report any incidents they see or hear in stadiums or online.

“While incidents do get reported we also know that there are many that don’t and this campaign is about breaking down the barriers to reporting and educating supporters on why it is so important, the methods which are available to them and how it helps the football authorities, both in the short and long term.”

Supporters can report incidents by filling in our online form or calling our Matchday reporting number: 075224 73291. All relevant incidents will be forwarded onto Kick It Out, where you can also anonymously report incidents of discrimination.