Love Football, Protect The Game - A message to supporters

As we approach the closing stages of the season, there remains plenty to play for as we aim to stay in the league...

Your support has been truly incredible this season, demonstrated by Sunday's sell-out crowd, but as we reach this crucial stage of the year, we must remind you in the interests of safety for everyone inside our stadium, that the pitch is for managers, players and match officials, while the stands are there for you to support the team.

At the end of last season, some Clubs witnessed unsavoury and unwelcome scenes with a small minority of people entering the field of play whilst other fans took to the pitch in celebratory mood.

Pitch incursions are dangerous and anyone who does encroach onto the playing surface will face strong sanctions that could include a ban from attending matches at the Abbey Stadium and across the country and police action.

It is a criminal offence to enter the pitch and the real-life consequences for these actions have been felt by many with some fans receiving criminal records which can impact employment, education prospects and international travel.

It is not only yourself that can be disciplined. There could also be an impact on your family members and Cambridge United.

Our plea to you is to keep the pitch for players and the stands for spectators and avoid any unnecessary disruption at such a crucial point of the season.

Love Football, Protect the Game.