Club Statement: Gary Waddock

Cambridge United have today parted company with Assistant Manager Gary Waddock following three years of service…

Since his arrival in 2020, Gary has been a key part of the coaching staff, helping the team to promotion in his first season with the Club before working alongside Mark Bonner and the rest of the backroom team to oversee United’s highest finish in the EFL for nearly two decades.

His third and final season was a more challenging one for the Club, but a tremendous up-turn in form towards the end of the campaign saw United achieve safety on the final day of the season.

Speaking about the departure, Head Coach Mark Bonner said, “The last three years have seen us take some big steps forward as a Football Club, on-and-off the pitch, with many memorable moments along the way.

“Gary has been at the heart of it - both for the first team squad and for me personally in my first years as a Head Coach.

“I have really valued his experience, counsel, knowledge and support throughout that time and credit him hugely for the progress we have made and successes we have shared.

“Sport goes in cycles and as a Club we are now at the start of another, with new challenges and opportunities ahead of us. As we set our sights on building a new team and entering that next cycle, change is inevitably a part of that.

“I will forever be thankful to him for his contribution and encouragement and whilst no longer a colleague, Gary will remain a friend and always be welcome back at the Abbey.”

The Club would like to place on record our thanks to Gary for his hard work and commitment whilst with the U’s and wish him well for the future.