Club Crest consultation begins

The Club has today started the process of public consultation regarding the possible change or adaption of the Club crest, in the form of a supporter survey…

As Majority Owner Paul Barry said in his end of season message to the fans, following conversations between the Board and Shadow Board, the Club has decided to explore the redesign of the club crest over the course of this summer, mindful of the need for consultation and consent.

We recognise that a club crest is one of the most important representations of any football club and it matters deeply to its supporters. So, it is essential that as we embark on this process, we do it properly and together, hearing the thoughts of our fans before making any decisions. 

This survey seeks to understand more from our fans on what Cambridge United means to them, their views on the current crest design and any thoughts on what any change could look like or should include. There are no creative routes or alternatives for consideration at this stage, as it is essential to ensure that the voice of our fans is represented in any second stage of the design process.

The Club is very pleased to be working with North throughout this process, who are generously doing this work pro bono. North is a specialist brand identity design studio with many years of experience working both nationally and internationally with a breadth of organisations across many sectors, including sport.

The survey of 12 questions is being sent to home supporters who have bought a Match or Season Ticket over the past two seasons, totaling approximately 27,000 people.

We believe this strikes the right balance between receiving feedback from our engaged fanbase, whilst protecting the integrity of the process and avoiding any issues that could be presented by supporters of other clubs participating in an open-source survey.

CEO Alex Tunbridge said, “This is an important project and one we need to approach in a spirit of genuine partnership and consultation with the people who matter most - our fans. We are extremely grateful to North Design for working with us on it and so generously giving us their time and expertise.

“Transparency is the key - our supporters and our staff will be consulted and communicated with throughout the whole process. Wherever we end up, we want it to be truly a team effort.”

Sean Perkins, Founding Partner of North added, “We at North are thrilled and honoured at the opportunity to collaborate with Cambridge United Football Club and its passionate fans on this project.

“We are approaching the work on the crest with the utmost care and consideration, wanting to understand as much as we can about the essence and history of the club, what it means to its fans now - as well as the plans for the future.

“Any crest needs to truly represent the spirit of Cambridge United and what makes the Club so special and we are looking forward to seeing the feedback from this questionnaire.”

The survey will close in two weeks at the end of Wednesday June 14. More detail on any further steps in the process will be communicated in due course.

If you haven't received the survey by Friday 2nd June but are a supporter and wish to take part in the survey, please send us an email.