Crest exploration moves onto second stage

The initial supporter consultation phase to explore a potential change to the Cambridge United Club Crest has concluded…

3768 supporters offered their views on the crest design and the potential way forward.

The fanbase was broadly split on the current crest with a very small majority ‘liking’ it (53%), but there was broad support and openness on looking at a redesign and moving to the next stage of the process.


64% of respondents answered, ‘Yes’ to ‘Would you be open to exploring the possibility of a crest redesign?’, with 16% non-committal and 20% answering ‘No’.

Following discussion between both the Board and Shadow Board in the last week, the design agency, North will now work on different creative routes taking into account the survey feedback. 

The Shadow Board also requested that fans be able to submit their own designs. It would clearly not be practical to have ‘design by committee’, but any fans who wish to contribute are very welcome to send their design concepts to by 10 July.

We expect this next stage to conclude during August. Over the coming weeks, North will hold workshops with the Club and Shadow Board to receive feedback on potential design routes. The Club will update fans on how and when it plans to share final design options more widely with the fanbase, and how any change might be agreed upon. 

The Club and Shadow Board will agree the mechanism for consent over the coming weeks. As we have said throughout, there has been no pre-agreed commitment to any change and the Club is approaching this step-by-step. Any change would need to be agreed by the end of September to meet kit production deadlines with Umbro for the 2024/5 season.

The Club would like to underline its thanks to North Design who are kindly doing this work at no cost to the Club. We are very grateful for their commitment and support.