Away Travel Coach bookings and sponsorship available

With the 2023/24 season just around the corner, the organisers of the Away Travel Coach are once again ready to take bookings for a brand new season...

Their aim is to provide a service to every away league match throughout the season and whenever possible to cup games, too.

Coach Travel for the first two away games - against Sutton and Fleetwood - are already on sale now

Increasing fuel charges means increasing costs and increasing prices, but these can be offset by obtaining as much sponsorship as possible. Without our Away Travel sponsors last season, many coaches would not have ran. The postponed and then re-arranged match against Fleetwood used up much of the group’s reserves.

The group is looking for sponsorship of the coaches to help both young and older supporters throughout the season. If you are able to help with sponsorship or know someone who might, please contact or ring 07591 111251.

The importance of the Away Travel coach lies in the supporters who rely on it and the team who feel the support up and down the country.

Speaking at the end of last season, Head Coach Mark Bonner said, "Thank you for your loyal, vocal and energetic support throughout a hugely challenging season, we will all be stronger for it.

"The numbers of you that have travelled to games, the cost and commitment that that requires, and the optimism and pride you have exuded has made such a huge difference.

"The players and staff were all incredible grateful to you for sticking with us and representing us so well and so loudly. I look forward to seeing you all again next season."

The Away Travel Team look forward to seeing you all again over the coming months.