Sleepout date nearing - sign up today!

On Friday 10th February 2023, Cambridge United Community Trust and Wintercomfort will once again join forces for the ‘United for Cambridge Sleepout’ to raise awareness and vital funds in support of their work with homeless and disadvantaged people in the city...

Individuals and teams from across the community are invited to brave the elements for one night, sleeping out on the terraces of Cambridge United’s Abbey Stadium

Wintercomfort’s Fundraising and Communications Manager Melody Brooker explains, "Sadly, the number of rough sleepers in Cambridge is at its highest for many years. Amid the cost-of-living crisis, a great many more people are at risk of losing their home. The United for Cambridge Sleepout is an opportunity for people to come together in support of those in greatest need in our community.” 

Last year saw over 80 people take part in the event, raising an incredible £30,000 in the process.

202Sleepout Participant Sharon Livermore of Kameo Recruitment said, “Taking part in the Sleepout was such an incredible and eye-opening experience. To sleep in the cold for one night was tough, but I came away feeling so humbled. I was lucky enough to go home to a warm, safe home and to think that for homeless people, this is their everyday, brought me to tears. The money we raised was superb and I was honoured to be part of it.”

Simon Wall, Cambridge United Community Trust’s Community Engagement Manager, added, "Last year’s sleepout was truly amazing, but as always, we are looking to build on our previous successes. We would therefore love to see more people and companies get involved for the 2023 event and raise even more money.”

Tickets for the United for Cambridge Sleepout are £20 per person and each participant is asked to raise a minimum of £100 in sponsorship. The ticket price includes a two-course evening meal, an interactive quiz and hot breakfast the morning after. 

Sign up for the Sleepout by clicking here or email for more details