Foundation Awards Evening tickets on sale

Cambridge United is delighted to announce that tickets for the Cambridge United Foundation (CUF) Awards Evening are now available...

This prestigious fundraising event will be held on Thursday 28th September at Childerley Long Barn and will focus upon celebrating outstanding achievement across all CUF programmes.

The Foundation would like to extend a warm invitation to all Cambridge United supporters for the first time and hope that many loyal members of the Amber Army will come together for a great night.

Alongside award presentations there will be special CUFC guests in attendance, live music, interactive games and the chance to network with supporters of the Foundation’s work from across the local community.

There will also be an opportunity to learn more about their vision for the future and find out how to become more involved in their projects.

Tickets for this event are sure to be in high demand, so make sure to book early in order to avoid disappointment. You can reserve your place on the night by clicking here.

The Foundation has set a fundraising target for the evening of £15,000. If you are unable to attend the Awards Evening but would like to support their work through a donation, please click here to do so.

If you would like further information about the evening, the work of the Foundation or would like to become more involved on a regular basis, please email