U's support Amnesty's Football Welcomes campaign on Tuesday

Cambridge United is supporting the Football Welcomes campaign at Tuesday's home game against Wycombe Wanderers...

The U's are joining other Clubs across the UK to join Amnesty’s Football Welcomes campaign and show solidarity with those who have fled conflict and persecution.

Refugees from the recent conflict with Ukraine via Cambridge4Ukraine and refugees from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan through the Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign will be in attendance on Tuesday with compliments of the Club.

First Team players will help spread the message by wearing Football Welcomes warm-up t-shirts as the Club celebrates the role football can play in bringing people together, with the aim of creating more welcoming communities for refugees.  

This year, Football Welcomes comes as the UK government prepares to enact its new immigration bill to permanently exclude people who seek asylum in the UK from receiving any protection here. 

CEO Alex Tunbridge said, "We are delighted to welcome refugees from our community to the game on Tuesday and are proud to support Football Welcomes, which is a really important campaign that shines a light on an important issue.

"Cambridge is such a diverse and welcoming City and we have a duty as the Football Club to play our role in being a positive example and supporting such campaigns."

Naomi Westland, Head of Football Welcomes at Amnesty International UK said, “The UK immigration bill shines a light that more must be done to protect people who have fled conflict and persecution by creating more welcoming communities.  

“Now more than ever we need to show support to and solidarity with refugees and Football Welcomes is a great initiative to do this.    

“It’s heartening to see clubs like Cambridge United using football as a powerful force for good, bringing people together and a providing a sense of belonging. 

“With the support from the players of the People’s Postcode Lottery, Amnesty will continue to welcome refugees alongside football clubs across the country to show there is more that unites us than divides us.”

Tickets for Tuesday's game against Wycombe Wanderers are available to buy now