Amber Hearts launched with British Heart Foundation

Cambridge United have collaborated with the British Heart Foundation (BHF) this year to take action in looking after our heart health...

With 26,000 people living with coronary heart disease, 121,000 with high blood pressure and 49,000 with diabetes in Cambridge (latest BHF estimates and patient data from January 2022) now is the time to be more aware and find ways to look after our own, and each other’s, heart health.

That's why the Club, Community Trust and British Heart Foundation have launched Amber Hearts.

Over the season there will be three main ways in which this support will be offered, all in which we are reaching out to you, the fans, to get involved.

  1. CPR training

The football club will have named individuals qualified to deliver CPR training to staff, volunteers and fans of the football club. With many of us having either experienced, witnessed or had a loved one saved by CPR, we know how important it is for those closest by to have the skills to start the lifesaving medical procedure at the earliest opportunity.

A number of dates over the year will be publicised and you would be welcomed to sign up for these free sessions to either learn or refresh the skills needed to save a life using CPR.

In addition to this, we will share the British Heart Foundation’s RevivR tool, which is a free, quick and easy training tool that can teach you CPR in just 15 minutes – all you need is a phone and a firm cushion. 

  1. Amber Heart Heroes

We are reaching out to fans that have experience of either actively looking after their heart health, or recovered from a heart related disease/condition to create a network of support to improving our communities health and fitness.

Sharing stories of roads to recovery, weight management strategies, near misses or lifesaving experiences will increase the awareness for us all in how to take care of our heart health.

  1. Amber Hearts Walk

On 4th March we will be holding a fundraising event to support the work of the British Heart Foundation and the Community Trust’s Health work.

We are calling all fans to join us on a wellbeing walk from the training ground, to the Abbey Stadium on the Saturday of the Portsmouth game to raise awareness and funds for the lifesaving work of the British Heart Foundation and the physical health preventative work of Cambridge United Community Trust.

This season, let’s be proactive in looking after our heart health and increase awareness, funds and skills to support ourselves and each other remain healthier for longer.