Support Royal British Legion at Remembrance Fixture on Saturday

Cambridge United's home game against Bolton Wanderers on Saturday 12th November will be the Club's annual Remembrance Fixture...

Fans are asked to bring their spare change for our bucket collectors as we raise funds for the Fulbourn and Teversham British Legion branch.

Volunteer collectors will be located all around the Abbey Stadium in the hours leading up to the match, so if you can, please give generously to support their appeal.

The Club will also honour the sacrifices made by servicemen and women from across the United Kingdom with a pre-match tribute ahead of kick-off.

Players, coaching staff and match officials will emerge from the tunnel earlier than usual, with representatives from both Clubs laying a poppy wreath on the edge of the centre circle.

Supporters are then invited to join in for a minute's silence, followed by the playing of the Last Post by a local Bugler.

Officiating the match will be four members of the Armed Forces, in a first for an EFL game.

Fans are requested to arrive in good time in-order to prevent disruption of the tribute and to allow everyone to properly pay their respects.