Following the devastating invasion of Ukraine over the past week, club partners A&R Haulage, A&R Containers and A&R Commercials are pulling together their resources to send vital donations across to the country in conflict...
United supporters can show their solidarity with the people of Ukraine by bringing donations to this Saturday's game against Shrewsbury Town to make a meaningful and practical action that will directly help those in need.
Basic medication, clothing, toys, toiletries, hygiene products, bedding & non perishable food-stuffs are all desperately needed. Donations will be taken in-front of the Club Shop at the Newmarket Road entrance to the ground.
A shirt raffle will also be held from the CFU Caravan, with all proceeds going towards the purchase of aid for the Ukrainian people.
For more information please visit the A&R Group Facebook page. To donate towards their crowdfunding efforts, please click here. For any questions or to get-in touch, please send an email to Roland Hollings, Managing Director of A&R Group.
Cambridge United stands together with the rest of the footballing world in support of Ukraine and its people.