Community Trust Impact Report launched

Cambridge United Community Trust release “Not Just A Saturday Afternoon:” 2021-2022 Impact Report...

Cambridge United Community Trust works with Cambridge United FC to create a stronger, healthier and more equal community.

The report outlines the impact that the Community Trust had over the 2021-22 season. It details the findings of social impact research conducted by EventID Sports Consulting Ltd on behalf of Cambridge United Community Trust (CUCT) with participants of the Trust’s programmes.

Sam Gomarsall, Community Trust Manager, explains, “In September last year, we set out our vision to be at the heart of a stronger, healthier and more equal community. Football clubs up and down the country are the beating hearts of their communities and much of that revolves around 90 minutes each Saturday. Yet, we use the passion that people feel for Cambridge United Football Club and the power of sport to make a real impact on our community all week and all year long. For a club so rooted in its community as Cambridge United, it’s never just been about Saturday Afternoon, but about the wider impact we can make on our city and community.”

2021/22 was another challenging year, but one filled with hope, optimism and excitement. All of the Trust’s ‘Face to Face’ sessions, such as Walking Football, Community Bootcamp and Seniors’ Lunches returned and so friends who hadn’t seen each other for months were reunited. New projects were started too such as Wellbeing Walks, perfect for improving both mental and physical health.

The data showcases the tangible impact the Trust is making using the power of sport:

  • 74% of participants felt a strong or very strong sense of belonging to their local neighbourhood. This figure is 9% above the national average and 10% above the regional average and feelings of strong sense of belonging increase 19% after 3+ months of engagement in CUCT activity.
  • Levels of anxiety showed significant decrease after 3+ months of activity with average decrease of 26%. Overall findings for adult participants were 19% below national average and 22% below local average.

As well as regular occurring programmes, there were several other events and highlights that took place during the year, including winning the CUP26 Planet Super League Trophy, hosting another successful United for Cambridge Sleepout at the Abbey Stadium and celebrating the Trust’s achievements at the Community Trust Matchday.

The report explains how the Trust has changed people’s lives for the better, using Case Studies such as Martin’s Story to give real life examples. Throughout the report they focus on the Trust’s four key areas: Community Engagement, Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Education & Skills.

Sam Gomarsall added, "A huge amount of thanks must go to the 24 members of staff - alongside volunteers and trustees - working for the Community Trust whose relentless drive to see lives changed has been at the heart of the impact we see across this report.

"I hope that as people read this report, and in particular the stories from our participants, they can see the profound ability sport has to change lives and create meaningful impact in our communities."

Click here to read the “Not Just A Saturday Afternoon” Impact Report. You can also see Event ID’s full report by clicking here.