Mark Bonner Previews Lincoln Clash

Mark Bonner sat down with local media on Thursday morning to preview Cambridge United’s upcoming League One clash at Sincil Bank…

On Sam Sherring:

“He is a player we looked at this summer and we had some good reports on him. He can cover across a few positions in the back four, he is comfortable with the ball and a solid defender, obviously in the early stages of his career, like a lot of the centre backs we have had over the last 18 months.

“Sam [Sherring] has fitted in really quickly. He is sharing a house with the other boys so that helps in terms of getting to know people quickly. He is also a really, really respectful character; a really humble guy.

“The signing fits in perfectly with us in terms of character, and then I think on the pitch we are hoping that he can continue the good work that the other defenders have been doing in terms of making this a solid team and solid unit.”

On Ben Worman’s growing influence within the squad:

“Ben [Worman] is intelligent and combative, he has certainly grown up fast. He had been playing more in the central areas, as a striker or as more of a 10 in his younger development days. However, since he has been around the first team, he spends a lot of time playing outside of a diamond at times.

“We played a three at Doncaster and Morecambe where he did very well, and then he played alongside Paul [Digby] in a two against Portsmouth and Newcastle, so there is a nice variety with him and where he can play because of his intelligence.

“His left foot gives us a nice balance in midfield when he plays there. He is brave and resilient, and nothing really phases him which is a big thing and that is why in recent weeks I have been saying to him that I need to get him in the starting team in a big atmosphere and a big environment, which happened against Portsmouth and then Newcastle, and he handled himself really well.”

Team news:

“George [Williams] was sick on Tuesday, that was a late call-off actually, so that is why we ended up with six [on the bench]. Otherwise, we would have had some of the young players on the bench.

“In terms of everybody else, everyone that played on Tuesday came through it fine. So we are looking forward to go to Lincoln with the same group of players available.

“Kai [McKenzie-Lyle has had a scan on his knee, so we are just waiting to see how that settles down, but it will probably keep him out for a few weeks.

“We are hopeful that Jensen [Weir] is not too long away and that can be a fairly quick turnaround. His knee has settled down quite quickly after initially not actually looking great. However, last week it settled quite a bit so hopefully we can get him back on the training ground as soon as possible.

“Greg's [Taylor] back in practise with the lads in terms of ball work and things, however not in the more physical sessions yet, but he is starting to build up.

“Lloyd [Jones] is running around and with Shilow [Tracey], we hope to get him jogging out on the grass tomorrow if everything goes well. It is a slow process with those ones, but we are starting to see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel.”

On Lincoln:

“Their league position is probably a false one. We saw first-hand the level of quality within their team when they came to us earlier in the season, they have a lot of creativity and goals in their squad.

“They have had some injuries to key players, and on very few occasions have they been able to get their best eleven on the pitch, apart from our game!

"They have made a couple of good signings and are starting to look strong, they had two excellent results in the last two games against Oxford and Sunderland so, they are certainly going into this weekend in really good form.

“As do we, we arrive with a similar sort of mindset so having won our last two, albeit in the cup, but the game has the makings to be a really good game, and we are looking forward to it.”