Marshall Skills Academy partner with Trust to sponsor Aspirations Education Programme

Cambridge United Community Trust is delighted to welcome Marshall Skills Academy as a partner to its Aspirations Education Programme work...

In local schools and within the community, Cambridge United Community Trust uses the power of sport to positively impact the lives and improve the aspirations of thousands of young people within the region. Much of this work is through their cross-curricular projects – which link football to English, Maths, Science and PSHE. It is within their aspirational work that they are delighted to officially partner with Marshall Skills Academy, in a collaboration that will hugely benefit a variety of participants.

Cambridge United Community Trust’s Aspirations work focuses on a variety of target areas, of which Marshall Skills Academy will support, lend expertise, guest deliver and provide information, advice and guidance on. These projects include the newly named Marshall Aspirations Project, which is a six-week programme in primary schools for 10-11 year olds designed to inspire children to think more positively about their own futures as part of the Trusts Premier League Primary Stars PSHE offer.

The collaboration will also see Marshall Skills Academy deliver workshops for local teenagers as part of the Premier League Kicks Programme and Academy players within the Club. There will also be mentoring opportunities to be made available for released academy players to guide and support them with their chosen next steps.

Dan Edwards, General Manager of Marshall Skills Academy, said, "I am extremely proud and honored to have the opportunity for Marshall Skills Academy to partner with Cambridge United Community Trust and play a small role in all the great work they undertake in the local community. Marshalls is passionate about supporting the local community and helping to build better futures and this partnership will only help enhance this."

"In addition, we are planning to set up a mentoring programme to support released secondyear academy scholars between April-September, designed to help them increase employability and effectively transition into the working world through apprenticeships and other opportunities."

Dan, a regular visitor to the Abbey Stadium with his children to support the U’s is also overseeing the restoration and development of the Community ‘Trust Bus’ which will launch later this year. This will be a safe space for young people to access community sessions and workshops led by Cambridge United Community Trust staff and will also have a targeted focus to provide opportunities to develop skills in order to access potential apprenticeships within Marshall in the future.

The Trust’s Education and Skills Manager, Ashley Dyer, spoke of the exciting opportunities which lie ahead. "Collaborating with Marshall Skills Academy, which is such an integral organisation in providing opportunities to young people, fit perfectly with our vision for education and skills in the community.

"We work with many young people from areas of deprivation within the City. Young people with outstanding potential but in need of a spark to ignite their aspirations. We believe that the Marshall Skills Academy partnership will add strengthen those projects to do exactly that."

As part of the partnership launch, Ashley spoke at the annual Marshall Leadership conference to 82 leaders about the work the Trust do in the community and the role Marshall could play. The Marshall team have also been and will continue to be guests at Aspiration days held at the stadium, where local children have been inspired and empowered to engage with STEM subjects.