Female Fans Forum to be held on Thursday 29th September

Cambridge United is hosting a Female Fans Forum at the Abbey Stadium on Thursday 29th September at 7pm...

A panel of CEO Alex Tunbridge, Head Coach Mark Bonner, Women's Football Chair Jenny Horsfield and Club HR Manager Janet Mills will be in attendance.

The forum is an opportunity to welcome all female supporters to engage with the Club regarding relevant topics and matters, as well as to assist with improving engagement and the Matchday experience. 

Alex Tunbridge said, "A key part of our current strategy is to drive inclusivity, improve the Matchday experience and increase our supporter base. Therefore, we see this as an important event in order to help us evolve as a Club by improving our levels of engagement with female supporters and in turn improving the Matchday experience we offer. We would like to welcome all female supporters to meet with us and discuss matters that are important to them and the wider supporter base."

Taking place in the Layrd Design Lounge, the event has been organised following consultation with female supporter group Amber Belles.