Dial a Ride to the Abbey this Saturday

Cambridge United and Dial a Ride are working together this Saturday for the Fleetwood match to provide transport for those not normally able to come and take part in the match day experience at the Abbey Stadium...

Dial a Ride are running a trial that will see them collect individuals from their homes and then return them back after the game.

If you know someone or would like to use the service, please visit the Dial-a-Ride website, call 01223 506335 or email memberssupport@cambridgedialaride.org.uk.

Dial a Ride provide safe, affordable travel and is accessible to community groups and individuals who have difficulty in accessing public transport.

Anyone wishing to take up the trial will need a Matchday ticket which can be purchased by calling 01223 566500 or by visiting CUFCTickets.com.

Dial a Ride is also available to use during weekdays by anyone meeting the criteria.

There are other community transport schemes that cover the region on non-match days. More information can be found via https://www.cambridgefansunited.org/accessible-parking.html