Bonner and Iredale on Sheffield Wednesday

Boss Mark Bonner and left-back Jack Iredale spoke to the local media ahead of the U’s clash with Sheffield Wednesday on Tuesday…

U’s head-coach Mark Bonner was first up to sit down with local press.

  • On what is sure to be another special atmosphere at the Abbey Stadium on Tuesday...

“It is close to a sell-out, which makes a big difference. I think it is great for us to have those experiences as players and staff to play in that atmosphere, but also good for the supporters.

“There were moments in the game where the atmosphere was outstanding [on Saturday], certainly in the end where people have gone away very happy. Some of the footage that has gone around of those celebrating after was good to watch!

“Hopefully we can put in a good performance like we did on Saturday and ultimately try and take something from the game. It is certainly another big game and one that we are looking forward to.”

  • On Sheffield Wednesday:

“They have made a solid enough start; they are really in touch with those play-off positions. I guess when you are a club of that size, like a few that we will play this year, their expectation is to be in first spot so there is a pressure on them every single game.

“What we can do is compete with these teams, we have to try and make sure that the pressure is on them to come and win games. We must try and make sure that we force the issue at the right times ourselves as well.

“They [Sheffield Wednesday] have got some strong individuals; players that are well versed and have played a lot of football in the championship, so we know that they have the individual quality in the games and can cause problems at this level.”

  • Team News...

“Speaking to a few of the boys yesterday, they seem to be OK, it is just the usual matchday bumps and bruises so I think everyone should be OK. I think Paul [Digby] took a whack as he does every game; Dimi [Mitov] had a back issue but all of those have settled down yesterday.

“We have not seen them today; we will hope to get them on the grass this morning and have everybody pretty much available that was available on Saturday.

“Jack Lankester will hopefully be out running today, but he will not be fit for selection Tuesday and probably Saturday either. We want him back in training soon so we can get him back up to speed and back contributing because obviously we have got a busy month ahead.”

U’s left back Jack Iredale was next to face the local media.

  • On Saturday’s late equaliser and Joe Ironside’s persistence...

“It was certainly a relief to finally break down their defence after the second half pressure we had, it felt like we deserved a goal. Big Joey [Ironside] got his reward after an unforgiving match where he did not really get too many or any decisions that I thought he maybe deserved. It just shows the character and the fight this team has got to keep going to the very end.

“Everyone has got the same mentality here, a couple times already this season we have shown we can keep going to the very end. Joey [Ironside] is that kind of guy who will keep going to the very end. I was frustrated watching so I cannot imagine what it was like for him to experience it, so fair play to him for keeping his head and getting the goal.”

  • On Saturday’s game...

“Obviously last season with my first season here, playing in front of empty stadiums everywhere so this really was something different. I enjoyed the noise and the atmosphere.

“We did not start well enough, I think it showed, they had that match sharpness having played the week before when we did not. Once we finally got our feet on the ball and settled, we showed that we were the better team.

“We are all pushing in the same direction, obviously we know, especially the two goals we conceded on Saturday, were so preventable. We have already seen how quickly you get punished compared to last season with the step up in the league, so it is something that we are working on but it is something that we have got to fix. We are a really good team and yeah, a point is a good point against them [Ipswich], but all three would have been better.”

  • On Fixture congestion...

“I love the Saturday-Tuesday fixtures, it is just constant games but that is why we play football, to experience that and hopefully we can keep that momentum that we finished with an keep it rolling on for Tuesday. It is another massive game.”