Bonner on Doncaster

Head Coach Mark Bonner faced the media this morning ahead of the U’s trip to Doncaster Rovers on Tuesday…

  • On potential team selection challenges ahead of the game…

“I told all the boys a couple of weeks ago that we will need everyone, I just did not think it would be all at the same time! We will make it work and will try and put a team on the pitch that can be competitive.

“You can’t choose your games; can't choose when you play; can't choose when your injuries and suspensions come – it is what it is, so we will use today to try and get team organised and ready for the challenge of the game and give it our best shot.

“What we know about this group of players is that they always have a go, and there is a resilience about us that I really like. It puts us in a position of underdog again tomorrow but that is where we are going to probably spend 46 games this year - w e have to deal with it and find a way through it.”

  • On Adam May’s red card…

“There is limited video footage which might impact the outcome [of the appeal], but we will appeal it because I think it is really harsh to be honest. It is a hard tackle, but I think it is one that you have seen only get yellow cards for.

“We will appeal today, and we expect an answer at some point tomorrow, which may have an impact on whether or not he is in the team, but in some respects the process doesn't help us because you might find out so late that you have got to try and prepare without him.”

  • Team news…

“Dimi [Mitov] will miss tomorrow’s game. He has to go through seven days return to play protocol, and as soon as he is symptom free he will be available.

“Kai [McKenzie-Lyle] has come in for his first game at the weekend, which was a really tough one to come into. Goalkeepers do not usually come off the bench, so it was a new experience for him. We will just see how the next 24 hours play out and then make a call tomorrow.

“Jack Lankester is back in training today, so if it all goes well, he will be available for the game.”

  • On Doncaster…

“We know how hard it is to win at this level and we know how every game is a challenging game. We have got to be at our best to compete against a Doncaster side who, similarly to Shrewsbury, have picked up a few more wins recently.

“They are a team that play some really good football and we know they are going to stress us in our defensive shape. They have some quality players who are good in possession, but we know we have got good players ourselves and we know we carry a threat as well as being able to make ourselves hard to beat. We will have to try to do all of those things against Doncaster in a slightly different way.”