Amber Belles looking for new recruits

Cambridge Fans United (CFU) are working with the club to make the Abbey an even more welcoming place for everyone in our local community...

You might have recently heard about the meeting with community leaders at the mosque on Mill Road, and there are plans in the pipeline to help support fans with dementia, and disabilities. Another project which supports our female fans began in April - the online Amber Belles community.

You might wonder why the group is needed at all. In the last 20-30 years, there has been a welcome increase in the number of female fans going to matches across the country. There is solid evidence that a larger female and family element within the crowd improves the matchday atmosphere. Despite this, there is still an undercurrent of sexism aimed at females who love football.

This has led to some female fans feeling unable to contribute to online chats – and that just isn’t right. The Amber Belles group offers everyone a place to chat about our wonderful club in a safe and welcoming environment.

It is also a space for supporters to bring up any female-related issues at the ground. There might be things that can be discussed openly, but there is also the chance to speak confidentially. Whatever it is, the Amber Belles will do everything they can to help.

Within a month, the group amassed over 100 members and it is continuing to grow. The Amber Bells would love to reach out to more female football fans in the Cambridge area and next season they hope to offer a meet-and-greet and buddy system for first time visitors to the Abbey Stadium.

It’s a calm, supportive and happy group that is open to all U's fans, regardless of gender, who support their aims. Click here to request an invitation to join the Amber Belles Facebook Group.