U's welcome newest Under 9s to the Academy

Cambridge United would like to officially welcome its newest and youngest Academy intake, as this year's Under 9s signed their first contracts with the Club on Saturday...

A. Crouch, T. Braund, H. Harris, T. Angus, Z. Gunn, S. Lewis, K. Blair, M. Lewis, Z. McGivern and M. Oliver (pictured above with First Team Head Coach Mark Bonner) have all been awarded Academy contracts to officially begin their Cambridge United journey.

Foundation Phase Lead Coach, Liam Bloye and Talent ID Co-ordinator, Jake Hammond said, "We would like to congratulate and welcome our newly signed U9s to Cambridge United Football Club.

"After a culmination of two years hard work from players, parents and coaches, Saturday marked the beginning of their time in Academy football.

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"We have been really impressed with the boys resilience in the face of COVID-19 restrictions this year and as a group they have demonstrated a togetherness which has engineered success both on and off the pitch, and helped us get through some challenging times.

"Well done to all of the children who have signed for the U's. We hope you enjoy the experience and can create some lifelong memories!"

The boys will officially get their new season underway in August 2021.