Latest Trophy photos from the Abbey Stadium

Season Ticket Holders from the 2020/21 season visited the Abbey Stadium in their numbers on Thursday 29th July to get their photos taken with the League Two Promotion Trophy...

As part of the Club’s commitment to its Season Ticket Holders last year - who stood by the U's during a season of behind-closed-doors games – all 2020/21 Season Ticket Holders have been invited to have their photos taken with the Promotion Trophy.

For those who got their snaps taken yesterday, please click here to view and download your photo, courtesy of Captured Cambridge.

For avoidance of doubt, all supporters who handled the Trophy sanitized their hands and the trophy was cleaned after each use.

The Club would like to thank all supporters who attended one of the three photo calls, in addition to the dedicated volunteers who helped with the running of the sessions.

Communications on future events involving the wider U's fanbase and the Promotion Trophy will be released in due course.