Production Bureau sponsor Trust's Autism & Learning Disability football sessions

Cambridge United Community Trust are thrilled to welcome Production Bureau as an official partner to the Inclusion programme, sponsoring our Autism (ASD) and Learning Disability football sessions...

The partnership will not only secure provision for 16-25-year-olds this season, but will also be the shirt sponsor of all four of our ASD and Learning Disability football sessions.

Production Bureau are fully committed to supporting individuals with additional needs and took the opportunity to partner with Cambridge United to develop the work of the Trust, led by Phil Mullen, who offer accessible football sessions to those who often experience barriers to physical activity.

Tom Cutmore, Live Events Director at Production Bureau has a deep understanding of the impact the sessions can have on individuals and their families.

"I have a close affinity to the Trust, with first-hand experience of the impact they make upon those who attend the ASD & LD sessions," Tom said. "Seeing the coaching staff give the players the space and time to flourish, I was keen to get Production Bureau involved.

“After a meeting with Vicky and Sam, we [Production Bureau] very quickly decided that we wanted to become a partner.”   

The fantastic work of Phil Mullen is widely recognised; with the success stemming from the relationships he builds with each individual, putting them at ease and finding their place within the sessions.

One adult learning disability parent commented after just one session, “My son really enjoyed the football and he wants to come and play again. He seemed really happy. He normally gets anxious when going somewhere new but he joined in straight away, which is good. Thanks for making him feel welcome."

Another parent, this time from our ASD intermediate session, said, “It was absolutely amazing to see my son having the confidence to participate. I think back to only a year ago when I could hardly get him out of the house."

From engaging participants across all age groups, to giving families some great experiences taking part in physical activity together, the Trust can continue to develop its brilliant work with support from businesses such as Production Bureau.

In November 2021, the Trust invited a number of partners to attend the Cambridge United vs Wigan fixture to meet like-minded representative from other companies as a thank you for their support this season.

Tom, along with Ian Greenfield, Founder and Owner of Production Bureau, both attended the game which meant the Trust staff could share the personal impact stories that the sessions have on individuals, as well as meet one of the adult participants.

When asked what encouraged Production Bureau to come on board, Ian said, "To give children or young adults who face tough challenges everyday such an incredible opportunity to be nurtured and supported using the power of football is a truly wonderful thing. It was a goalscoring opportunity, we just had to make the assist and we couldn’t be prouder to play a small part."