Bonner's Plymouth Reaction

Mark Bonner was delighted with his players as Cambridge United came back from behind to earn a point at Plymouth on Tuesday...

  • On Greg Taylor’s injury…

“He is going to hospital now for an X-Ray. It doesn’t look very good to be honest and it is a tough one for us to take to be honest because of how important he is for us. It doesn’t look great at the moment but you can’t tell until you have the X-Ray. Good luck to him and it does put us under a bit more pressure in that position, which we are really struggling with at the moment.”

  • On a important point…

“I just thought the performance was full on endeavour and commitment. Whilst we are still finding our feet at this level we are going to need to perform like that at a number of times. We got lucky a couple of times, they had some great chances and they are a very, very good team but to come and take a point is major for us. The boys should be really happy with themselves. I can’t speak highly enough of them, we have had a tough start to the season and we will keep fighting for that first victory but I am loving what we are becoming.”

  • On how the game panned out…

“First half I thought we were very good in terms of blocking their passing but also with the ball and creating chances. In the second half they raised their levels and we couldn’t contain them and the goal was coming. In the few moments that we had to maybe shift the game up the pitch or get some control, we weren’t able to do it, but off a counter attacking moment, Shilow has done great to win us the penalty, Joey has held his nerve again – three in three for him – so there are plenty of really good signs from tonight.”

  • On the manner of the performance…

“The resolute nature of our team, the work ethic and organisation, the spirit of a new team, working together during a tough period of the season where we are a bit depleted, after the week we have had, you have to say massive credit to the boys.

“Our supporters who came tonight were magnificent, to come and make that noise on a Tuesday night. If I were them, yes, you want to dominate more, yes, you want to win, yes, you want more of a goal threat than we had at times, but if you watch your team work that hard and fight for your points like that, I would take that all day long.”

  • On getting ready to return home on Saturday...

"We will [be pleased to get back to the Abbey]. We have got a couple of days now to try and refresh and recharge ourselves. We have done things very differently this week with how we have travelled but hopefully we can have a good night tonight, get in the sea in the morning for recovery, get ourselves back home and back into training later in the week."