We are pleased to announce the 12th Fan and therefore leading the U’s out at the Abbey Stadium at tomorrow’s fixture against Swindon Town is supporter of 60 years, Gary Stroud.

The Club are continuing the 12th Fan initiative for a second season in 2019/20, which sees one season ticket holder at each home match day rewarded for their support of the U’s.

The initiative, supported by Mick George, sees a Cambridge United supporter profiled on the Club website and match programme, feature in the U’s squad list as number 12 on the programme/teamsheet and lead out the U's at the Abbey Stadium on every match day in 2019/20!

The 12th Fan for today's fixture against Swindon Town is Gary Stroud, and you can read a preview of his interview in the match programme here.

How long have you been supporting Cambridge United? When was the first game you attended and what was it that hooked you to become a supporter of the club?

This will be my 60th Season as a U’s Supporter. I was brought up the Abbey in 1960 in a pushchair by my mum to meet my Dad, Uncle and Grandad vs Merthyr Tydfil in the Southern League. It was my father’s influence that initially brought me to the Abbey but it is the friendships fostered during some fantastic years that cemented my love for this great football club.

Who have you attended the games with during the time you have supported the club and who do you attend the games with now?

I started coming to games with my dad, grandad and uncle initially. Over the years I came up with my mates. Now I usually attend with my son Jamie Stroud, best mate Alan Marshall (Mush) and godson Freddie Marshall (a budding U’s goalkeeper). I also meet other mates in the Supporters Club

Which stands have you watched the games from? Have you always been in the same place or have you moved around the ground?

I started out in the Habbin, moved to the Corona End when I was old enough to attend on my own, was part of the Tick Tock during the Beck era moved back into the Habbin for a while, had a few seasons in the Main Stand mainly in F Block.

Match tickets for tomorrow’s fixture against Swindon Town are available online, in-store an by calling 01223 566 500.