Know Your Football – First Monthly Winner Announced!

A massive well done to the “Most Knowledgeable Cambridge United fan” for February. Step forward lifelong Cambridge supporter, Roger, whose Team Heol Wen scored an impressive 31 pts in 6 matches, meaning he wins two Club Cambridge hospitality tickets at a game of his choice.

Heol Wen, along with Andy's Boys, is now into the end of season predict off for the chance to appear in their own copy of the 2018/19 photo.

It’s not too late for you, or your friends to follow in Roger’s footsteps! We start another month off with everyone back on 0pts, so no excuses, last month was practice, this one counts.

Tell your friends, spread the word - and let's see if you have what it takes to claim the title of Cambridge United’s “Most Knowledgeable” fan for March

Visit to sign up

#Knowyourfootball #CamUTD #DigitalMarmalade