Head Coach Joe Dunne has today left Cambridge United. Mark Bonner, Assistant Head Coach, will take charge of the first team with immediate effect. The process to recruit a successor is already underway.

Graham Daniels, Director of Football, said: "On behalf of the Board I would like to thank Joe for everything he has done for Cambridge United. It is never easy to part company with a Head Coach - particularly someone who has played a number of significant roles at the Club over several years and for whom everyone at Cambridge United has great affection and respect.
"Results have however dictated the need for change. We believe we have the talent in this squad to be further up the table. Whilst the team has shown its ability in patches during the season we have struggled to find consistency. As a result the Board came to the conclusion that the team would benefit from a change of leadership.
"We have already started the search to recruit a successor to Joe. Mark Bonner will take charge of the First Team on an interim basis over the coming weeks."​
Joe Dunne added: "Thank you to the club for the opportunity and I wish all the staff, the players and the fans of Cambridge United every success for the future."