With just one day to go until Testimonial match against Tottenham Hotspur, look back on Josh Coulson's ten years with the U's!

Having given blood, sweat and tears for the U’s across the last decade, Josh Coulson deserves your support with tickets available now at, in-store or by calling 01223 566 500.

In order to create the best atmosphere for Josh on the night, the Club has decided not to open the Habbin Stand, containing supporters in the Newmarket Road End and the Mundipharma Community Stand.

Supporters who have already purchased ticket for the Habbin will be granted access to the Newmarket Road End and Mundipharma Community Stand on Friday.

Never has “One of our own” been so apt for a player, so the Club are urging the Amber Army to turn out in force for Josh this Friday night and get behind the man who has given his all for them over ten years.

Click here to buy tickets now!