This season, Cambridge United are offering the Amber Army the opportunity to sign up to an online subscription for the match day programme.

At just £50 for every home League game, the online subscription saves U’s fans 25% off the sum total of programmes across the course of the season, as well as allowing you to view the programme on your phone, PC or tablet.

Simply click here to order your subscription and we will send out the PDF version of the programme to you on Monday morning.

You can enjoy a preview of tomorrow’s match day programme, with this sneak peek at Leon Legge’s main feature article.

The programme will also be available for just £3 around the ground on match day and in the club shop.

The 31-year old defender admits that today's fixture against Barnet is one the entire first team squad have been eagerly awaiting for a number of weeks, especially those players who were involved in the eight game unbeaten finish to the 2015/16 campaign.

The centre-back commented: "The unbeaten run has definitely given us that fight over the summer and you always want to start off where you finished.

"We have to take that positive end to last season and use it to go on a good run. It's important we start on the front foot.

"Pre-season has been good and very positive for all of us. We all went away to Holland and played in two very beneficial games. The time away was exactly what we needed especially with the new players, to allow them to gel with the other members of the squad.

"All in all it has been a very positive pre-season and everyone has been waiting for the first game against Barnet."

With no less than eight new faces arriving at the Cambs Glass Stadium this summer, and Max Clark returning for a second loan spell with the U's from Hull, Legge says that the gelling process has taken place quickly.

The former Brentford and Gillingham man admits he has enjoyed using his seniority within the first group, which now boasts an average of just 23, in order to allow the new players to settle into the squad over pre-season.

"It's always nice to get to know new players and welcome new people to the club, especially the new defenders who I will obviously work closely with.

"I have played with Blair Adams before when he came on loan to Brentford a few years back, so it has been good to get to know him again.

"Tom [Dallison] has obviously come in from Brighton and settled in straight away with the squad."

He added: "I'm in a situation where I am now one of the older heads in the squad, so I do try to help players like Tom and the younger guys. It is interesting for Tom because this is a first experience for him, coming in on loan to a new squad. Hopefully I can help him and build a good partnership, with some clean sheets and plenty of good wins along the way.

"The new players, much like all the players already here, have been keen for the first day of the season to come around to show what they are capable of."

Also in this week’s edition:

View of the Chairman – Dave Doggett
Shaun Derry Column
Jez George Column
Barnet – Club Connections
Q & A with Will Norris
Players Vs Fans Quiz
Match Day DJ
100 Years of Coconuts
Football World with Mike Barnes
Around the Division

Tickets for the Barnet game can still be purchased online, in-store and by calling 01223 566 500.

*Please note supporters who subscribe to the online programme will need to be able to open pdfs