Cambridge United Manager Shaun Derry states the U’s must take confidence from the strides that have been made and should continue looking forward, following a goalless draw with Carlisle United at the Abbey Stadium.

Reflecting on this afternoon’s affair, the U’s boss commented: “Of course it was frustrating and you could sense that in the ground after the game.

“We found it difficult against a tough opponent and I think the early red card affected both teams. It enabled Carlisle to sit in and when a team does it in the manner they did, it is really difficult to break down.

“We work on a game plan all week to decide ways, in which we can win the game, but when you have a red card like that at that stage of the game, the plan changes dramatically and you have come up with a new way of affecting the match.

“I felt we showed all the things that you want to see when the opposing team goes down to ten men, up until that last little section of the pitch where we just didn’t quite have that killer instinct.”

The U’s now face a tight turnaround in games with Morecambe visiting the Abbey Stadium on Tuesday night, which Derry feels will provides United a prime opportunity to dust themselves down and bounce back quickly.

“This is a club in a bit of transition and we have been able to mix it with the big boys of this league, which we should all take great confidence in going forward.

“Today’s game has gone and we can’t get it back, but we have got ability within the group to respond well on Tuesday night against Morecambe.

“Our sole focus is looking forward to Tuesday. I thought the backing of the crowd this afternoon was fantastic, they were right behind us to the very last minute and we will need that again.”

Tickets for the match are available by clicking here.