United will learn lessons from York says Corr

Cambridge United striker Barry Corr feels the U’s should use the final half an hour of Saturday’s clash against York as a blueprint of playing style moving forwards.

Richard Money’s side fought back from two goals down during the second half to leave Bootham Crescent with a draw, and Corr states the men in Amber and Black should take positives from a scintillating spell.

“The final 30 minutes was a good example of exactly how the manager would like us to be playing,” said the striker.

“We were on the front foot, got the ball out quickly and delivered crosses into the box. We used our physical attributes as best we could, because we are a big side and played in their half of the pitch. 

“There was only one team that was going to win the game in the final half an hour but we shouldn’t have been in the position of needing to rally to get a result, which is the disappointing part.

“We have to start games with that intensity, that’s the sign of a good team. We’ll certainly be looking to do that next Saturday.”

The Irishman made his return to Football League action for the U’s against the Minstermen on Saturday, and marked the occasion by hitting the back of the net for the sixth time this season.

Corr explains the goal may not have been the most attractive he’s ever scored but that he was pleased to have secured his name on the team sheet and envisages further progress against Portsmouth this weekend.

“I’ll take goals like that all day and in the end I just threw myself at it to knee it in. I was obviously delighted to score and it has been frustrating with the injuries after having a decent start to the season. 

“I just want to stay on the pitch now and the 90 minutes against York although I didn’t feel was the best performance in the world, will do me good for Saturday. 

“I’ll get the chance to train Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week, which should hopefully mean I’ll be at a better standard against Portsmouth.” 

The U’s will be back in action at the Abbey Stadium against Portsmouth on Saturday afternoon (3pm), with tickets for game already in high demand.

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