U's defender becomes Ambassador for Cambs FA

CAMBRIDGE United’s Josh Coulson is the new Ambassador for Cambridgeshire FA’s Charter Standard programme. The U’s longest serving player is a product of Cherry Hinton Lions, a local Charter Standard club, and epitomises the positive links between grassroots football and the professional game. 

The FA Charter Standard programme is a kitemark, which recognises and rewards high quality levels of provision in club and league football. The kitemark is awarded to clubs and leagues that are well run, sustainable, which place child protection, quality coaching and safety paramount.

Cambridgeshire FA is sponsoring  Josh Coulson for this season, and with him as the ‘Cambridgeshire FA Charter Standard Amassador’ the aim is to raise awareness of the programme. 

Chris Pringle, CEO of Cambridgeshire FA, said: ‘We are delighted to have a direct link with Josh, and with his local club background we can showcase grassroots football and continue to raise standards. Over 90% of our youth clubs are now Charter Standard, so where parents and players see the kitemark they know they are joining a good club.’

Josh Coulson adds: ‘I am proud to be working to promote grassroots football, and to give something back to the local community and the club structures where I first played the game’. 

Jez George, Cambridge United’s Director of Football, said: ‘It is important for us as a football club, but also for our Community Trust, to be visible in our support and links to community clubs and to the community in general. We work closely with Cambs FA and this tie in with Josh is a great example of that’.