U's players visit children at Addenbrooke's Hospital

FOLLOWING their usual tradition, the players of Cambridge United Football Club paid a festive visit to the Children’s Wards at Addenbrooke’s Hopsital. Players visited children on wards D2, C2, C3 and F3.

The players spent time chatting to the children, parents and siblings, as well as staff, signing autographs and putting a smile on many faces. Goody bags and presents were given out and left for the children who will unfortunately find themselves in hospital over the next few weeks.

Vicki Brown, Health Play Specialist at the hospital, said: “This is an event that Cambridge United Football Club have been doing annually. It is a visit that is enjoyed by patients, their families, siblings and staff on the wards. The children get to have their photos taken with the players and find out about being a football player. We would like to thank the team for taking the time out to come and visit the children and staff. It gives everyone an opportunity to have some fun and smiles whilst being in a hospital environment.”

U's defender, Richard Tait, said: “We are pleased that we can play a small part in trying to put a smile on the faces of these children at Christmas.  The nurses do a fantastic job throughout the whole year and work unbelievably hard so a visit at Christmas is the least we can do.  It is a very humbling experience and makes us realise how fortunate we are.”

Rev Stuart Wood, Chaplain to Cambridge United who coordinated the visit for the club, said: “It is always a privilege for Cambridge United to visit the Children’s Wards at Addenbrooke's. Again this year, we met some amazing children and young people, their families and the staff, and it is humbling to see how something that in so many ways is so simple, has such a big impact in putting smiles on faces. Our thanks go to the Children’s Play Team at the hospital for arranging the visit, and to the Sainsbury's store on Coldhams Lane for their donation towards the goodie bags.  We would also like to thank the players of Cambridge United, who all donated money for presents to go in the children's Christmas stockings."

Danny Kerrigan, U's Community Trust Manager, said: "It is great for the players to get the opportunity to visit the children in Addenbrooke's Hospital, especially at this time of year, and hopefully getting a few presents and meeting the team can help brighten up the children's day. I'd especially like to thank Club Chaplain, Stuart Wood, for organising the visit, and Sainsbury's, for their donations. Thanks also to Sepura, our Headline Sponsor for 2014/15. The Trust aim to involve our players in the community at every feasible opportunity, and this wouldn't be possible without their support."